

The year 2013 was full of different kind of life events. I get married, I lost a friend. I met lots of new interesting people and maybe became little bit better version of myself.

Even thought I'm not sure if it is possible to become a better version of yourself. We are already perfect human beings, we just need peace inside of us to be what we are. We should not judge ourselves. The hard part is just to find that peace to be what you are. And being kind to yourself. 

My personal New year resolutions are first to be nicer to myself and be able to forgive myself.There is no need to be too hard on yourself. Then you just make your own life harder. And believe me, you will not make anyone happy when you are too hard on yourself. So don't even try to say it will.

Also I want to focus more on sewing, knitting and other crafting things. Hopefully my skills will grow.

Exercise more. No excusis! 

Love more. Show to other people that you care of them. 

Traveling at least one time outside of Finland. This one seems to get done right in January, because we will travel for a small trip to Tallinn. I'm quite excited about it.

I think that's all or at least most important ones.

But anyways Happy New Year to everyone of you!


Cozy And Cute

I'm writing this post while I'm sitting in the light of beautiful candles, drinking hot chocolate, eating myself made pumpkin pie and listening Christmas songs. I must say it feels quite cozy.

Here is a pic of wool socks. I saw this pic in one book and I don't know why, but there is something I like in these wool socks, so I took a picture and decided that I will make something like this.

Here is my work at the process of making it. Look I made a bow in my own version! 

Here my socks are already finished. It took couple days to make these.

Bow! <3 For some reason I really love bows.

And here I am wearing my new cozy and cute wool socks. I bet I will totally use these a lot this winter.


Item of the week

This weeks item are these lovely Minna Parikka Caracal shoes. These could be my next investment. Even they are quite expensive. But oh, how much I do love these cute pair of shoes.

Buy from: Minna Parikka Shop


Hot for a teacher

This is a geometric teaching skirt. If you are a teacher (like I am), you can wear this skirt when you are teaching kids different shapes. You can find here at least square, triangle and rectangle. You can also practice different colors. 

Skirt is made by me. And fabric is from Marimekko.


Item of the week

This T-shirt is really not my style so much. But there is something I like about it. And the label A question of has lots of other nice print shirts and T-shirts at their web-store too.

You can buy it here: A Question of


Item of the week


This is the most cutest scarf. I actually ordered it from Modcloth with couple of cute dresses.

Designer of this scarf is Alice Hannah London.

You can order this at least here: Modcloth.com